Jerome Rajan

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Jerome Rajan
Staff Solutions Consultant at Google
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IBM DataStage
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Build your own Ask-Me-Anything using VertexAI + LangChain + Streamlit 🎯🎯🎯

July 29, 2023

Artificial Intelligence and more specifically, its “Generative” heir has experienced a golden year thus far. Generative AI has laid the platform to re-define how more than 75% of jobs have traditionally operated.

As a cloud data architect, I realised that GenAI is going to become a key component in enterprise solutions much sooner than later. The beauty of it is that there’s no one stack where this can be constrained to. From data generation to code generation to testing, design, documentation, security, GenAI could potentially have a role to play in different areas of a solution.

As has been the case with most, I jumped into the bandwagon and made an attempt to learn and implement a matchbox solution that I could proudly show-off while also getting my hands dirty with the different libraries and terminologies.


In this blog, we’ll walk through the process of creating a custom search engine using VertexAI, Streamlit and Langchain. The app will allow users to specify the sitemap of a website, crawl the entire site based on the URLs in the sitemap, and use the information as a knowledge base to answer user queries. We’ll use VertexAI embeddings & language models to understand user queries and provide relevant and accurate responses.


Let’s go through the design step by step to understand each part of the custom search engine.

Technologies Used

The following technologies were used to build the app:

1. Streamlit: Streamlit is an easy-to-use Python library for building web apps. It allows us to create interactive and data-driven web applications quickly.

2. Langchain: LangChain is a framework for developing applications powered by language models

Components in Langchain

3. VertexAI: We’ll use Google Cloud AI Platform to leverage the `textembedding-gecko` model for generating vector embeddings and generating summaries

4. FAISS: This is a library for semantic search and clustering of dense vectors.

1. Web Crawling and Document Retrieval

The primary input is the sitemap XML URL. We use the langchain library’s SitemapLoader to crawl the website and fetch all the documents. But this class isn’t very robust. It runs asyncio operations without regard for rate limiting on the server side. I’ve written a wrapper method which, if rate-limiting (429 error) occurs during crawling, retries up to a specified number of times with a backoff delay. It returns a list of document objects representing the website pages.

Further, I’ve used Streamlit’s caching mechanism to optimize the web crawling process since vector generation is an expensive and time-consuming process. I’ve used st.cache_data to cache the pandas dataframes and st.cache_resource to cache the vector embeddings. Read more about caching in Streamlit HERE
When to use which type of caching

2. Embeddings Generation

Here we leverage `textembedding-gecko` model to generate vector embeddings for the crawled documents. The FAISS library is used to store the embeddings into a vector store locally.

An important aspect of this is the pre-processing step. In fact, calling this “Pre-processing” would be a grave injustice since the process of Splitting & Chunking is vital for the performance of the semantic search as well.

Chunking helps ensure that the embedding is devoid of noise while improving semantic relevance. There are several chunking/splitting strategies available. Here, I’ve used `CharacterTextSplitter`.

Chunking in action

3. Fetching Possible Responses

We then use the vector embeddings generated earlier to perform a semantic search with the user’s query embeddings. It filters and retrieves documents with similarity scores above the specified threshold.

4. Generating Responses with Langchain

Finally, we utilize Langchain’s summarization and document retrieval capabilities to generate responses for the user’s query based on the filtered documents using VertexAI. Read more about the different kind of summarization chains offered by Langchain.

5. Hosting the app

The app was then containerised and hosted on GCP’s Cloud Run. I put the app behind an HTTPS load balancer to prevent any direct access to my Cloud Run service. The HTTPS load balancer was put behind IAP to prevent unauthorized or unathenticated users from accessing the app.

Look & Feel


You can find the full code and implementation details in my Github Repo at

Please note that the implementation of the crawling and summarization processes can be further improved and customized based on specific requirements and use cases. Additionally, integrating more advanced NLP models and fine-tuning parameters may enhance the search engine’s performance and accuracy. This was merely an exercise in learning while trying to enjoy the journey!

Thanks for reading!

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